The Ninjagimbal, built from scratch with professional film cameras in mind, works perfectly with the likes of Arri or Red. Here are some of the features:

scalability, making it as small as possible and as big as needed, no need for counterweights

strong motors, enabling whip pans

infinite freedom of rotation on all axes

daisy-chaining power through patented mount for charging internal batteries and feeding the gimbal, camera and accessories

regulated 12V and 24V power supply

easy camera access for assistants through one armed design

mechanical locks for each motor

compatibility with third-party remote controllers

a patented quick release and motorised balance bracket for fast camera assembly/disassembly

neatly fits into a carry-on bag

Ninjawerk is a boutique manufacturer of professional camera accessories, drones, and gimbals. We offer a holistic approach, from idea to design to manufacturing. Follow us on social media and sign up for our newsletter to secure a spot on the waiting list and stay updated on product developments. For any questions or inquiries, please reach out to us at

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